"THE YOUNG CARPENTERS" is a set of two pictures by Art-Bob Which depicts the the misfortune of a couple of "Do-it-yourselfers". Imagine the pain of of those splinters! Hasnt Art-Bob handled this situation cleverly and with excellent taste?

This pair of drawings was posed by Bob Stevens and Sherwood Forrester, two real bodybuilders who like the fellows in our drawing hope to build their own home very soon. Sherwood hopes to produce movies soon. You often see Bob Stevens in the Philmar ads.

Art-Bob 1611 N. Ave 56 Los Angeles 42, Calif offers 8x10 prints of this pair at $1.50 each ($3 for the two). For $5 Art-Bob will send 8x10 prints (autographed if desired) of these studies, the pair on page 19 and an unpublished Art-Bob drawing.

Page 18

THE RESCUE" another pair by Art-Bob.

Imagine the pride and pleasure you could feel by being able to effect a rescue like this!

Everyone should acquaint himself with

PP complete illustrated lessons including the latest direct-mouth breathing artificial respiration methods will be given. This valuable study will also be made a-

This pair was posed by Don Fuller and Joe Leitel, but different faces were used for variety.

of 20 dufers a set

drawings $5. Order 2

different sets of 20 4x5s (total cost $10.) and received free of charge of drawings which have not been published,

Address Art-Bob

COA N 110

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